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Paraguay Cerro Corá National Park

Počasí Paraguay Cerro Corá National Park

Cerro Corá National Park is a protected area located in the Amambay Department of Paraguay. It covers an area of approximately 5,538 hectares and is known for being the site of the last battle of the Paraguayan War. This park attracts visitors from all over the country and from abroad, as it offers a wide variety of natural and cultural attractions.

The weather in Cerro Corá National Park is characterized by tropical climate with two distinct seasons: a hot and humid summer from November to April, and a cooler and drier winter from May to October. The temperature ranges between 25 and 35°C during the summer months, while it drops to around 10°C in the winter. The humidity is higher during the summer and can reach up to 90%, whereas it is lower during the winter, around 60%.

During the rainy season, from November to March, the park receives a significant amount of rainfall, which can sometimes cause flooding in certain areas. The dry season, from May to October, is the best time to visit the park, as the weather is cooler and the vegetation is less dense, making it easier to spot wildlife and enjoy hiking and other outdoor activities.

The park is home to a variety of flora and fauna, including over 250 bird species, as well as jaguars, pumas, and other big cats. Visitors can explore the park on foot, either by following one of the marked trails or by hiring a local guide. The park also has a visitor center and a museum where visitors can learn about the history and culture of the area.

In conclusion, Cerro Corá National Park is a fascinating destination that offers visitors the chance to experience the unique natural and cultural heritage of Paraguay. While the weather can be unpredictable at times, visitors can enjoy the park year-round, with the dry season being the optimal time to explore all that it has to offer.

Ubytování Paraguay Cerro Corá National Park

Paraguay's Cerro Corá National Park is one of the country's most beautiful destinations for nature lovers, hikers, and wildlife enthusiasts. The park offers a wide range of outdoor activities, including trekking, birdwatching, and camping, and it is known for its stunning landscapes, rich flora and fauna, and historical significance. If you're planning on visiting Cerro Corá National Park, here's what you need to know about accommodation options.


Camping is one of the most popular options for visitors to Cerro Corá National Park. The park has two campsites that are equipped with basic facilities such as toilets, showers, and barbecue pits. Camping allows you to enjoy the park's natural beauty and wildlife up close while also being able to cook your meals and relax in a peaceful environment.


If you prefer a more comfortable and private accommodation option, there are a few lodges near Cerro Corá National Park that offer a range of rooms and amenities. The lodges are located in the nearby towns and villages, and they provide easy access to the park's main attractions. You can choose from different types of lodging, including standard rooms, suites, and self-contained apartments.


There are no hotels within Cerro Corá National Park, but visitors can find several options in the nearby cities such as Pedro Juan Caballero and Salto del Guairá. These hotels offer a range of rooms and amenities, including restaurants, bars, and swimming pools. They are a good option for those who prefer a more urban environment and want to explore the surrounding areas.

Things to consider:

Wherever you choose to stay in Cerro Corá National Park, it's important to keep in mind that the park is a remote and wild destination. This means that you will need to bring all the supplies and equipment that you need for your stay, including food, water, camping gear, and insect repellent. It's also important to be aware of the park's rules and regulations, such as staying on designated trails, not disturbing wildlife, and not littering.

Overall, Cerro Corá National Park is a fantastic destination for those who love nature and adventure. With a range of accommodation options, you can choose the best option for your needs and budget, and enjoy all that the park has to offer. From camping under the stars to staying in a comfortable lodge, Cerro Corá National Park has something for everyone.

Letenka Paraguay Cerro Corá National Park

Cerro Corá National Park is a beautiful and unique ecological reserve located in Paraguay. It is a great destination for nature lovers, adventurers, and those who want to experience the beauty of South America.

The park is home to a wide range of flora and fauna, including more than 400 species of birds, jaguars, pumas, and anteaters. The diverse landscape of the park, which includes forests, meadows, and savannas, provides habitat for a variety of wildlife.

One of the best ways to experience Cerro Corá National Park is by hiking. The park offers several hiking trails ranging in difficulty, from easy to challenging. Some of the trails lead to stunning views of the park's landscapes and wildlife, while others explore the historical sites of the park.

One significant historical site within the park is the site of the Battle of Cerro Corá. The battle took place in 1870 between Paraguayan forces, led by Marshal Francisco Solano López, and Brazilian forces, led by General Câmara. Today, visitors can visit the site and learn more about the history of the region.

Getting to Cerro Corá National Park is easy by air. There are several flights available to Asunción, Paraguay's capital city, from where it's only a three-hour drive to the park. Visitors can also opt for a guided tour, which can provide a more in-depth and informative experience.

Whether you're a nature lover, adventurer, or history buff, Cerro Corá National Park offers something for everyone. It's an ideal destination for anyone looking to experience the beauty and diversity of South America.

Dovolená Paraguay Cerro Corá National Park

Paraguay, země středního Jižního Ameriky, je plná přírodních krás a turistických atrakcí. Mezi nejznámější z nich patří Cerro Corá National Park, národní park nacházející se na východě země, v blízkosti hranice s Brazílií. Dovolená v této oblasti se může stát nezapomenutelným zážitkem.

Cerro Corá National Park je území s charakteristickým kopcovitým terénem, kde se setkáme s různými druhy rostlin a zvířat. Například zde najdeme tropické lesy, savany, bažiny a řadu druhů fauny včetně jaguárů, kapucínů a arasů. Park je také domovem pro ohrožený druh mravenečníka pampového, jehož populace se zde snaží zachovat.

Turisté mohou v národním parku využít služeb průvodců a vstoupit na vyhlídky, kde mají možnost pozorovat mnoho druhů zvířat a rostlin. Dále park nabízí různé trasy pro pěší turistiku a cyklistiku, stejně jako možnost podniknout horskou turistiku.

V parku se nachází i návštěvnické centrum, kde mohou turisté získat další informace o parku a jeho historii. Cerro Corá National Park je také místem historické paměti, protože zde proběhla poslední bitva paraguayské války v roce 1870. Turisté mohou navštívit památník těm, kteří v této bitvě zemřeli.

Dovolená v Cerro Corá National Park může být velmi zajímavou volbou pro lidi, kteří hledají spojení s přírodou a chtějí objevovat nové a exotické lokality. Park nabízí mnoho aktivit a zážitků, ať už jste milovníkem přírody nebo historie. Zkrátka se jedná o velmi zajímavou lokalitu, která stojí za návštěvu.

Vzhledem ke své poloze na východě Paraguaye je Cerro Corá National Park snadno dostupný z mnoha turistických destinací v této části Jižní Ameriky. Pokud přemýšlíte o tom, kde strávit svou další dovolenou, může být Cerro Corá National Park ideálním místem pro odpočinek, objevování a nové zážitky.

Nejčastější dotazy a odpovědi Paraguay Cerro Corá National Park

1. Jaké jsou vstupné poplatky do parku?

Vstup do parku je zdarma.

2. Jaké aktivity mohu dělat v parku?

V parku můžete objevovat přírodu, procházet se po naučných stezkách, pozorovat místní druhy ptáků a jiných zvířat, vydat se na trekking, piknikovat a podobně.

3. Kde se nachází Cerro Corá National Park?

Park se nachází na jihovýchodě Paraguaye, v departementu Amambay, v blízkosti hranice s Brazílií.

4. Jaké jsou otevírací hodiny parku?

Park je otevřen denně od 8:00 do 18:00.

5. Je možné v parku přenocovat?

Ne, v parku není povoleno stanování ani přenocování.

6. Jaký druh fauny a flóry mohu v parku pozorovat?

V parku žijí různé druhy dravců, ještěrek, sarančat, motýlů a mnoha dalších druhů fauny. Z flóry najdete v parku či v jeho okolí různé druhy rostlin jako bromélie, acai, kopceny a další.

7. Potřebuji k návštěvě parku nějakou speciální výbavu?

Doporučuje se pohodlné obuv a oblečení, zásoba vody a jídla na celý výlet, aditivum proti komárům a sluneční ochranu.

8. Jak se nejlépe dostanu do parku?

Park je možné navštívit autem, taxíkem nebo místním dopravním spojením.

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